and no we are not going to mention the C word…..
From spring bulbs on balconies to fruit trees starting out, and the rosemary in bloom everything is waking up from its winter slumber. It never fails to spark wonder as the green shoots burst forth in February and then we are inundated with bright colours from March on wards. Patience in this respect is a virtue. One of our funders gave us money for training and we used this to plant pollinator friendly bulbs with gardens across the network. One young girl took advantage of this and planted bulbs into pots in November which were then positioned outside her door. Taking care of then everyday by watering and watching she has now been rewarded with an amazing burst of colour just in time for Mothers Day on Sunday.
The bulbs that were planted were very special in so far as they were produced organically and were picked for being good for pollinators with open flowers. The importance of being produced organically and without pesticides means that glyphosate and the neonicotinoids that affect pollinators are not present in the flowers. This is all part of developing pollinator corridors through the heart of the Walworth Community Gardening Network area.